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studeer wat je liked key visual

Studeer wat je liket



Strategy, Creative concept, Campaign, video


Cast: HAN Students

Rapper: Ginger

Don’t go for the money, don’t go for the comfort zone: study what you think will fulfill you! A meaningful message, and one that needed a bit more punch to come across than the usual level of 'school advertising'.

HAN University of Applied Sciences asked us if we could help them to convey this important message for youngsters: "Study what you like!" We came up with a fresh style and a unique fully personalized campaign, photography and on- and offline content. As the centerpiece of the campaign we created uplifting commercials and social content to guide and inspire the teens towards this valuable life lesson. The videos were personalized in such a way, that the young viewers would see their own name, their whereabouts and the field they were interested in. In the end everyone got a unique video, tailor-rendered for their viewing pleasure.

But we didn't stop there. To make the HAN experience even more unique, we made a music video. (you did what???)

After the students enrolled, they received a very warm welcome with their fully personalized videoclip. We hyped them for the upcoming year, and guided them towards the enrollment platform, where they could find loads of information to help them ease into student life.

Suit up for school photo.

As we took on the whole campaign and over 100+ assets, we also organized several shoot days to get the photography on the same level as the video content, and make everything all shiny, flashy and new. These photos are used for social content, posters and a magazine.

We made 126 videos. Boom!

To reach young people at different schools, and inform them on all sort of different studies, we made a lot of videos. Uniquely made for the right target group, at the right moment. By advising them how to pick the study that fits you, up to "How to Apply"-videos: we guided them every step of the way.

3 .6%

Growth in enrollment

36 .7K

Personalized renders

77 sec

Average watchtime

We achieved a +3.6% growth of enrolled HAN students, against a nationwide decline of -5% student enrollment.

The campaign results were downright Aanstekelijk. The new look & feel and personal approach really hit home with their target audience. Against all odds and against a nationwide decline in enrollments, HAN gained students! During the COVID-19 pandemc, and just before the change of the current (awful) student loan system.

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